教授,博士生导师,毕业于北京师范大学,获理学博士。中国科学院动物研究所博士后出站,美国University of California, Davis访问学者。
[1] Shuping Zhang*, Xianglong Xu, Weiwei Wang, Lidan Zhao, Lijun Gao, Wenyu Yang. (2017) Annual variation in the reproductive hormone and behavior rhythm in a population of the Asian short-toed lark: Can spring temperature influence activation of the HPG axis of wild birds?Hormones and Behavior, 95:76-84.
[2] Shuping Zhang*, Lidan Zhao, Xinjie Zhang, Wei Liang (2019) Predicting the vulnerability of birds to trophic threat posed by phenological mismatch based on nutritional and physiological status of nestlings.Conservation Physiology, 7(1): 10.1093.
[3] Xinjie Zhang, Wenyu Yang, Wei Liang , Yong Wang , Shuping Zhang* (2019) Intensity dependent disruptive effects of light at night on activation of the HPG axis of tree sparrows (Passer montanus).Environment pollution, 249,904-909
[4] Fei Wang, Lijun Gao, Shuping Zhang* (2020) Effects of bird aggregation on the soil properties and microbial community diversity of urban forest fragments.Science of the Total Environment, 737:140250
[5] Shuping Zhang*, Xianglong Xu, Weiwei Wang, Wenyu Yang, Wei Liang. (2017)Clockgene is associated with individual variation in the activation of reproductive endocrine and behavior of Asian short toed lark.Scientific Reports,7: 15002
[6] Shuping Zhang*, Xiaoyu Chen, Jinruo Zhang, Hongchang Li (2016) Differences in the reproductive hormone rhythm of tree sparrows (Passer montanus) from urban and rural sites in Beijing: The effect of anthropogenic light sources.General and Comparative Endocrinology, 206: 24~29
[7] Xiaoyan Qin, Tingting Liu, Lidan Zhao, Wei Liang, Shuping Zhang. (2017) Marked daily variation in spring temperature induces variation in Caspase-3, Bcl-2 and HSP in Asian Short-toed Larks: how do wild birds maintain cellular homeostasis to cope with the ambient temperature variation?Journal of Ornithology, 158:1025–1034.
[8] Lidan Zhao, Lijun Gao, Wenyu Yang, Xianglong Xu, Weiwei Wang, Wei Liang , Shuping Zhang*. (2017) Do migrant and resident species differ in the timing of increases in reproductive and thyroid hormone secretion and body mass? A case study in the comparison of pre‑breeding physiological rhythms in the Eurasian Skylark and Asian Short‑toed Lark.Avian Research,7, 8:10-19
[9]Lijun Gao, Jing Gao, Shuping Zhang*(2018), Temperature effect on luteinizing hormone secretion of Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) and Great Tit (Parus major) in China,Avian Research, 9: 3
[10] Shuping Zhang, Mingli Suo, Shenglin Liu, Wei Liang (2013) Do major roads reduce gene flow in urban bird populations?PLOS one8(10) e77026.
[11] Shuping Zhang, Lei F, Liu S, Li D (2011) Variation in baseline corticosterone levels of Tree Sparrow ( Passer montanus ) populations along an urban gradient in Beijing, China.Journal of Ornithology152(2) : 801-806